About Us
Beit Shalom Messianic Synagogue began as a home fellowship group at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ackerman in Thomasville, Georgia in 1998. The congregation began as a group of like-minded Jewish and Gentile believers who met bi-monthly for Shabbat (Sabbath) evening dinners and services and occasionally for biblical holidays and teaching classes. As the fellowship grew, the vision grew, and the Ackerman's home was no longer sufficient for the number of regular attendants, so the congregation moved into its own store-front synagogue on Smith Avenue. As of April 2005, the spiritual evolution and growth of Beit Shalom gave rise to the synagogue relocating yet again into its newest location on Jackson Street, a 6000-square-foot complex (now 7,600) with sufficient room for all that ADONAI will have in store for the congregation until He sees fits to relocate it to an even better location!
Vision and Purpose
Beit Shalom means "house of peace," and this is exactly what ADONAI has called our congregation to be - a place where the suffering and hurting of the Jewish people and all other nations can come to receive the shalom shalom (perfect peace) of God through a personal relationship with His Messiah Yeshua. Our synagogue is committed to teaching the message of Messiah and the truth of G-d's Torah (Teaching or Instruction) as the means of living a holy life of obedience before the L-rd to Jew and Gentile. We understand and accept all believing Gentiles whom ADONAI calls into our congregation as grafted-in members and sojourners with the people of Israel, equal in every way with our Jewish congregants and accountable to the same Torah. We now meet weekly on Shabbat (Saturday) mornings (with some exceptions: see weekly update on webpage) to worship and celebrate the L-rd our G-d, Yeshua His Son, and the gift of the Sabbath as a day of rest and peace. We meet weekly for teaching (when in session) and discussion of the Scriptures and we meet annually for all biblical and most traditional Jewish holidays. Our synagogue is located at 1425 E Jackson St Ste A in Thomasville, Georgia. If you need further directions, please contact our rabbi at (229) 327-6060 or email him at rackermandmd@gmail.com.
Senior Rabbi
Robert Ackerman

Mary Louise Ackerman

Assistant Rabbi/Elder/Treasurer
Herbert Brooks

Shamash of Youth Education
Lou McPherson

Shamash of Hospitality
Roxanne Roman

Ada Norton
